From the history of the psychological school of Lenin- grad/St. Petersburg University: Nina Albertovna Grishchenko


  • Larisa Golovey St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Pavel Grishchenko Institute of Psychology and Social Work, 13, 12-ia liniia V.O., St. Petersburg, 199178, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the research and life of the scientist-psychologist and teacher Nina Albertovna Grishchenko, who worked for more than 50 years at the Leningrad — St. Petersburg University and is a prominent representative of the psychological school of Boris Ananyev.  She created methods for studying the integral structure of the psychomotor organization and studied the patterns of development of psychomotor skills in different periods of ontogenesis, in various types of professional activity. She was the author of the first monograph in Russia devoted to the psychomotor organization of an adult, was the co-author of five monographs and six textbooks for psychology students and practitioners. Grishchenko’s works made a significant contribution to the creation of a psychological service in the education system, the development of psychological foundations and methods of professional orientation and the study of the impact of the effects of radiation pollution on the intellectual potential and development of a person. The results of her research are relevant today for the theory and applied branches of psychology. She successfully combined scientific work with the training and education of students and postgraduates, was a teacher with a capital letter and brought up many generations of psychologists who work in different parts of Russia and abroad. The article presents the memories of Nina Albertovna’s students from different years.


complex research, psychomotorics, development, age, intellectual potential, history of psychological school


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How to Cite

Golovey, L., & Grishchenko, P. (2021). From the history of the psychological school of Lenin- grad/St. Petersburg University: Nina Albertovna Grishchenko. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology, 11(3), 284–293.



History of Psychology