Developmental Psychology and Differential Psychology at St. Petersburg State University (25 years since the founding of the Department)


  • Larisa Golovey St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The Department of Developmental Psychology and Differential Psychology turned 25 years old, in 2022, In 2022. The article discusses the main stages of the scientific study of the problems of developmental psychology and differential psychology at the St. Petersburg Psychological School. B.G. Ananyev proceeded from the need to study a person in the unity of his properties as an individual, personality, subject of activity, individuality in the process of his individual development. The ideas of human integrity and continuity of development are laid by him in the basis of the scientific study of individuality. For the purposes of such a study, it is necessary to combine the efforts of developmental psychology and differential psychology and the use of methods of complex study.  Initially, this direction was formed within the Department of General Psychology, empirical research was carried out by employees of the Laboratory of Differential Psychology and Anthropology of NIIKSI, starting in 1963. The Department of Developmental Psychology and Differential Psychology was opened in 1998. The department's research covers all periods of human development, starting from prenatal, and ending with the period of late adulthood and aging. Former and current employees of the department conducted large-scale studies of the intellectual potential of adolescents living in different environmental conditions. The conditions, factors and mechanisms of self-realization of personality in adolescence, adolescence and adulthood were studied. A comprehensive study of the stressors of everyday life and coping mechanisms at different stages of adulthood has been conducted.  The parameters of psychoemotional well-being of adolescents and adults were studied from the standpoint of an integrative approach. Studies of the impact of pandemic-related stress on pregnant women and child development and many other projects have been conducted.  The history of the department is represented by four generations of researchers, starting from the direct students of B.G. Ananyev, M.D. Alexandrova, E.F. Rybalko, N.A. Grishchenko-Rose and ending with the students of their students.


developmental psychology, differential psychology, ontogenesis, complex research, developmental psychology, differential psychology, ontogenesis, complex research


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How to Cite

Golovey, L. (2024). Developmental Psychology and Differential Psychology at St. Petersburg State University (25 years since the founding of the Department) . Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology, 14(1), 14–24.


