Specificity of burnout syndrome inherent for professions with high stress level
Th e causes and eff ects of professional burnout syndrome are considered. Th e symptoms of burnout is analysed. Th e organizational and personality factors reducing the psychic stability and successfulness of an individual in the professional environment are emphasized. Th e empirical results received in the course of investigation of burnout in professions with increased risk of precocious development of burnout symptoms are discussed. Th e diagnostic instrument AVEM (Arbeitsbezogenes Verhaltensund Erlebensmuster — Work-related Behavior and Experience Patterns) has been used as a method of research. Th e results obtained in the groups of managers, middle medical staff , policemen and penal institution employees are given. Th e specifi c character of professional burnout syndrome development for each group under test is shown. Th e approaches to developing burnout preventive measures for some professional groups are presented.
professional burnout, work involvement, the tendency to avoid and refuse professional activity, professional activity satisfaction, sense of estrangement, social support, subjective significance of activity
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