Th e psychological description of activity as communications


  • Сергей Алексеевич Маничев Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article considers the communicative aspects of the psychological description and activity analysis. Th e analysis of systems to describe activity allows making conclusion that the methods to collect the data for the analysis of activity are similar: the sources of data and methods. Th e main feature of all the methods is that they concern communication both in verbal and written forms, approached as an introdiscourse. Th e conceptual basis of introdiscourse analysis of professional activity is the allocation of inter-reversible relationship of text and context as a basis for analysis of activity. The article reveals three main contexts, where activity is approached as a solution to problems of subject, as a solution to interactive tasks, the solution of vital problems.


psychological analysis and description of activities, communication, discourse


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How to Cite

Маничев, С. А. (2019). Th e psychological description of activity as communications. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology, (2), 31–41. Retrieved from