The study of subjective and personal characteristics in line with the system-subject approach


  • Nadezhda Pavlova Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 13, Yaroslavskaya ul., Moscow, 129366, Russian Federation



The paper deals with the category formation of "subject" in Russian psychology in line with the subject-activity approach of S.L. Rubinshtein. Then the idea of the subject was developed in the works of A.V. Brushlinsky, as well as in the systemic-subjective approach of E.A. Sergienko. It is shown that S.L. Rubinshtein formulated the position about the subject as an active doer, the creator of his life and history. This position was further significantly enriched by A.V. Brushlinsky due to his continuum-genetic theory and resulted in a new direction – the subject psychology as an integrative study of human psychology. The system-subject approach of E.A. Sergienko is a development of the subject psychology and combines systemic and subject-activity approaches. It substantiates the level understanding of the criteria of subjectivity. It is proposed to consider the categories of subject and personality in the unity of individuality, but at the same time having their own specifics. The personality is a nuclear, content aspect (generation of meanings, values, orientation). While the subject is an individual opportunity for choices, goals, and the implementation of tasks, taking into account both situations, as well as individual orientation and interactions’ meanings. The specific functions of the subject and personality are described. The development concept of subject and personality at the entire ontogenesis stage is presented. A processual understanding of psychological maturity is proposed. Studies clarifying and verifying the system-subject approach are summarized: the subject and the personality characteristics of people of different professions in relation to the time perspective; mental resources for regulating behavior at the late ontogenesis stage. It is concluded that the development principle and the subject psychology can become the basis for a holistic study of human psychology and the unification of various schools and paradigms, theory and practice.


subject-activity approach, system approach, the subject psychology, continuo-genetic approach, system-subject approach, subject, personality, subject-activity approach, system approach, the subject psychology, continuo-genetic approach, system-subject approach, subject, personality


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How to Cite

Pavlova, N. (2023). The study of subjective and personal characteristics in line with the system-subject approach. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology, 13(4), 462–474.



Theoretical and Methodological Problems in Psychology