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Author Guidelines

1. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology invites for publication original manuscripts that are neither previously published, nor being under consideration for publication elsewhere.

2. Submissions should be prepared in a format that corresponds with the Journal’s requirements and contain all necessary components — text of the article, abstracts and keywords, information about authors.

3. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal are recommended for further consideration in accordance with a subject of article to the profile of the Journal — Psychological Sciences or a broader context of Human Sciences of interest to the psychological community.

4. All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are reviewed. The reviewers are experts in the field that best suits the subject of the article. Review has a "blind" character — reviewers do not know the name of the article’s author, the author does not know the names of reviewers (for more information, see the section Peer Review Guidlines).

5. The decision to accept the manuscript for publication is made on the basis of two independent reviews submitted to the Editorial Board. The results of review are brought to the author in the form of review texts sent to him/her or in the form of a generalized review prepared by the Editorial Board on the basis of reviews.

6. The author of an accepted manuscript must notify the editor within 10 days of the readiness to revise the article in accordance with the recommendations made, or to refuse to publish the article in the Journal. The revised manuscript should be submitted to the editor within 20 days (the time of work on the manuscript may be increased at the written request of the author).
The absence of a written response from the author about the readiness for revision of the article or non-submission the revised text within the specified period is considered as the author's refusal to publish.

7. After receiving the revised text from the author, it is re-sent to reviewers who evaluate the changes in accordance with the recommendations made and offer an opinion on the acceptance of the article for publication. According to the expert opinion the Editorial Board makes the final decision on the acceptance of the article for publication.

8. In case of detection of signs of unfair behavior of the authors associated with plagiarism, falsification of data, indication of authorship or distortion of the information about the author, the Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse the author to publish, in case of serious violations up to refusal of further cooperation.


Requirements for article


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"Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology" provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available contributes to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

License Agreement (one author)

License Agreement (several authors)

License Agreement (several authors, in two languages)


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