Features of the structure of intellectual development for preschool and primary school children with expressive language disorder (general speech underdevelopment)


  • Natalia Nold School No. 25 of the Petrograd district of St. Petersburg, 30, ul. Bol’shaia Zelenina, St. Petersburg, 197110, Russian Federation
  • Roman Skochilov St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6046-7655
  • Tatiana Berezina Additional Education Center of Diagnostics and Counseling, Psychological, Educational, Medical and Social Care of the Petrograd District of St. Petersburg “Psychological and Pedagogical Center ‘Health’”, 9, ul. Voskova, St. Petersburg, 197198, Russian Federation
  • Margarita Ilyina Additional Education Center of Diagnostics and Counseling, Psychological, Educational, Medical and Social Care of the Petrograd District of St. Petersburg “Psychological and Pedagogical Center ‘Health’”, 9, ul. Voskova, St. Petersburg, 197198, Russian Federation




The article presents the results of a study concerning the features of level and structural characteristics of intellectual development for children aged 4 to 11 year and have general speech underdevelopment (GSU) at 1–4 levels. The level of intellectual development of children was measured by Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WISC or WPPSI). The assessment of speech development and designation of the child’s speech development to a particular level was carried out by a speech therapist. A comparative analysis revealed significant differences in the level and structural characteristics of the intellectual development of children with a general speech underdevelopment, and children without speech disorders. The indicator of verbal intelligence according to WISC and WPPSI among children with GSU is significantly lower than in children without speech disorders. The greatest extent significant differences find out between children with GSU and children without speech disorders by “Similarities” subtest. In addition, within themselves the group of children with GSU is heterogeneous. The indicator of verbal intelligence in children with GSU level 1 is significantly lower than in children with GSU at levels 2–4. Children with GSU from levels 1–3 perform significantly worse on the “Similarities” subtest than children with GSU level 4. Sufficient differences were obtained between the results of children with GSU level 1 and children with GSU from levels 2–4 when performing the “Digit Span” subtest. There were no significant differences in indicators of nonverbal intelligence between the control and experimental groups. Significant differences were found between children with GSU at levels 1–2 and children without speech disorders in indicators of general intellectual development. The results of the study may be of practical importance in the diagnosis of children with speech impairments and the correctional work with children in this category.


expressive language disorder (general speech underdevelopment), level of intellectual development of the child, level of development of verbal functions, level of development of nonverbal functions


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Author Biography

Roman Skochilov , St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

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How to Cite

Nold, N., Skochilov , R., Berezina, T., & Ilyina, M. (2020). Features of the structure of intellectual development for preschool and primary school children with expressive language disorder (general speech underdevelopment). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology, 10(4), 428–441. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu16.2020.404



Empirical and Experimental Research